In a series of running events across the country and around the world, The Color Run puts on 5K races that are fairly unique. In an event that can only be described as tye dye meets sports, runners get colored as they run 3.1 miles around a course that is set up in each city. This past weekend, The Color Run came to New York City.
Earlier this summer, to promote the Avengers movie, Post-It Notes released their templates for the Avengers. I had seen these on my friend Gregory’s Facebook page, and my first thought was that I could make these out of LEGO bricks.
For the fourth year running, I returned to Chantilly, VA to attend BrickFair, a convention of adult fans of LEGO (AFOL) to convene and display their original creations built out of LEGO bricks. This year, I was able to spend four full days to experience everything BrickFair had to offer, as well as volunteer and speak again.