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NYRR Race to Deliver 4M 2017

It was a clear, but slightly chilly Sunday morning in November when we runners gathered in Central Park for the NYRR Race to Deliver 4M. The week before Thanksgiving, we ran four miles in support of God’s Love We Deliver to help bring food to those who could not afford it this holiday season.

We started on the east side of the park and headed north as our corrals were released with the sound of the horn. We quickly passed the 72nd street transverse and headed up cat hill. The famous statue was upon our left side before we had gotten very far and passed 85th street for the first mile marker. Without stopping we continued up the east side until we got to the 102nd street transverse and turned left. The second mile marker was in the middle of the transverse as we headed west until we turned left and headed south. Straight down the west side to 72nd street and turning left onto the transverse to complete our four mile course around Central Park to complete this charitable race.

The weather was perfect for running, and it felt good be out in that brisk weather. I was able to complete the run in 39:55, just a hair under ten minutes per mile. With the NYRR Race to Deliver 4M done, I had just one more race ahead of me for the year to complete my 9+1.

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