Growing up, the most prevalent characters were from Walt Disney, Marvel Comics and Jim Henson. Mickey Mouse, Spider-Man and the Muppets were central icons to my formative years, but my childhood centered around Star Wars. The adventures of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia as they battled Darth Vader captured my young imagination through three movies and the occasional television special. Even through the 80s, when most of the Star Wars fandom died, I kept a small piece of it somewhere in my life until it grew again in the mid-90s. This week, George Lucas has decided not only to step down from the Star Wars universe, but to sell it to the Walt Disney Corp.
Earlier this summer, to promote the Avengers movie, Post-It Notes released their templates for the Avengers. I had seen these on my friend Gregory’s Facebook page, and my first thought was that I could make these out of LEGO bricks.