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This tag is associated with 2 posts

SiriusXM for the Android

With Android overtaking iPhone in overall sales of smartphones, and selling second only to the Blackberry, it was only a matter of time until SiriusXM listened to the pleas of their customers and release a streaming app for the Droid, Nexus One, Incredible, et al. This past Friday, the people got what they wanted, and Android owners can now download the SiriusXM app for their phones.

Rooting the Droid for Wifi Tethering

I knew there was a community out there that had hacked the Android Operating System in order to gain full access to the UNIX based OS, like enterprising hackers had jailbroken the iPhone and iPod Touch, but I had no interest in doing it to my own phone. There were no advantages to my Droid usage, until I saw the app to tether my Droid with Wifi.